You wish to deliver a bouquet of roses
choose we take care of everything.
Send roses to your companion, a friend, your loved ones, a nice bouquet of roses will always please.
Our network of florists delivers your bouquets of roses 7 days out of 7, at home, in the office ....
A wide choice of bouquets of roses.
Roses, flowers to convey a sincere message,
ideal gift to let talk about your feelings.
How to choose color, discover the symbolism of roses.
Red roses: ardent love, tell her (him) "I love you" by offering her (him) red roses, for a birthday, for Valentine's Day or simply for the pleasure of expressing your feelings.
White roses: They represent the purity of feelings, they can be offered for a new relationship but also for weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies.
Pink roses: They signify tenderness, joy, grace and elegance, can be offered to anyone as a token of recognition.
Orange Roses: They can be offered in all circumstances but also to share a hidden love.
Yellow Roses: They convey a message of warmth and friendship, well suited for thanks, or a good recovery. On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid offering it to one's spouse, who can show signs of jealousy or infidelity.
"Des Fleurs comme j'aime"
Your french online florist,
book with his network your roses bouquets everywhere in France and abroad.
Delivery 7 days a week including holidays.